Triumph Motorsports, Ride Day in Glamis, Oct. 27, 2012

Triumph will be pulling into Glamis Mid Day Friday October 26th (or maybe a little earlier)
As of now it will be between Wash 10-12 – Triumph will have a sign on the Road to let you know where to pull in off Wash Road – They will also have big Triumph Flags on the trailer to designate the spot – If it is not too much trouble come see Anthony to see what parking will be like (they might have a plan)
Friday 10/26/2012
Might be a ride, but mostly setting up and organizing
Kids games and fun! There will be prizes, and gifts
All Saturday 10/27/2012
*First Ride will leave 8am Saturday Morning (on time!!)- This trip will include Dunning to China Wall then to Flag Pole. This trip will be 2.5 – 3 hours so please make sure to gas up good!
*Second Ride will Leave 12pm and Dune to Oldsmobile and Dune Back – This will be a 2 hour ride
*Third Ride will be at 3pm to the Drags – There will be 2 groups, 1 will be through the Dunes (fun) or down Sand Highway (Low key). NOTE: Triumph will be driving Thier truck so you are welcome to follow them on the road. The group that goes through the dunes will leave the drags early for they will be the race bikes with no headlights. Anthony will also be leaving around 5pm back to the camp to start the food.
*!*!* ALL RIDES will be kid and mother/daughter friendly! This is not a guys trip or a leave people behind trip. Triumph wants this to be a family fun weekend, please know everyone will have fun! Rides will be led by none other than the GREAT Brad Goodfellow, Brad knows the dunes and knows what people love to hit on these rides, so Triumph can guarantee great rides that are full of jumps, dune carving, and breaks to make everyone happy.
Saturday Night – Eating / BBQ will start around 6-6:30 –

Anthony @ Triumph – “It may seem like a lot of riding, but we are trying to get the riding trips knocked out in 1 day, so rest up, drink water, and get ready for some GREAT riding!!”
Any questions Call Triumph – 951-898-0272